Vessel type
LNG Bunkering Vessel
80 to 100 m
Max speed
12 kts
Cruising speed
10 kts
LNG capacity
3000 m3 to 6000 m3
SHERPAZ is a compact and agile LNG vessel range from 3000m3 to 6000m3 of cryogenic containment LNG capacities.
Specifically designed for delivering LNG from large LNG terminals to small ports and restrained areas, and allowing storing and bunkering operations to all size of LNG powered ships.
SHERPAZ LNG Bunkering Vessel is based on a modular concept with various LNG tank block length allowing adapting the vessel length and design to your exact operational requirements in terms of LNG capacity, manoeuvrability, harbour configuration.
SHERPAZ is optimized with regards to LNG bunkering operation and compliant with SECA area regulations thank to her pure gas propulsion configuration. Her smart Boil Of Gas management system allows optimizing the gas consumption for vessel needs with the LNG capacity and operational profile.